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In some cases, when you try to login to QuickBooks Point of Sale, you will receive a message that says the following:
Windows Administrator Required.
Why is this happening?
There is an Internal user name that is associated with the program. That name may have been reset.
Intuit recomends uninstalling and reinstalling the software to correct this, but in many cases, this is not sufficient.
To resolve the issue:
Go to the Control Panel, Administrative tools, Services.
Stop the Intuit Entitlement Client, and the QBPOS Database managers.
Go to c:usersPublicPublic DocumentsIntuitQuickBooks Point of Sale folder for your version.
Copy the Data folder to the desktop.
You will need to Uninstall the software using an intensive uninstalling tool, such as Revo Uninstaller, and remove the folders and entries for them program.
Then, reinstall the program. Do Not Open QB POS at this point.
Copy the Data folder from the desktop back to the original location.
Open QB POS and allow it to update.
Then attempt to open the company data.
If this fails, you may need additional support.
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