How Can I Process Payroll Without A Payroll Subscription?

We’ve been seeing a few folks asking how they can do their payroll themselves without having to pay for a payroll subscription service.  Here are the steps to turn that on in QuickBooks.

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Setting up QuickBooks for manual payroll (no payroll service).

1.  Click on the Help drop-down menu and select QuickBooks Help.

2.  Search for Manual Payroll.

3.  Click the topic Process payroll manually (without a subscription to QuickBooks Payroll)

3.  In the Help Article, paragraph 1., click on the blue text manual payroll calculations

4.  At the bottom on the next window clcik the blue text Set my company file to use manual calculations

5.  Click OK on the final window letting you know you must now calculate and enter your paycheck anounts manually.

Now, Click the Employees drop-down menu and select Payroll Setup to set up your payroll.

NOTE:  You will have to manually enter all your tax calculations from tables you will have to get from the various taxing agencies you have to withhold taxes for.  i.e. federal and state income tax rates.