How do I process donations or pledge payments through QuickBooks Point of Sale 2013?

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This was a recent question we saw from a non-profit organization.


I work for a non-profit where we have a gift shop. We use Intuit’s point of sale and Intuit’s payment solutions services. We have contributors who will come by and pay a pledge or donate with their credit card. How can I process these through our point of sale software?


The answer can seem a bit tricky. The easiest way to do this is to accept a Payment on Account for that customer.

This will create a credit on the QuickBooks side when the data transfers.

Once that credit is created, in QuickBooks you can create an invoice for the pledge and apply the existing credit to zero the balance.

You could also use a General Journal to move the money to the correct account.

Either of these options will work. It is best to discuss this flow with your accountant, to determine how they want to see and track it.