Error: 800-3480254 CALL when attempting to process a credit card or debit card in Point of Sale.

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When attempting to process a credit card or debit card in Point of Sale you’re getting the following error message: 800-3480254 CALL.


How To Fix It

Update all Point of Sale workstations to the latest release:

  1. Choose Help > Software Updates > Check for Updates.
  2. Allow Point of sale to update. If an error occurs during update, go to the product updates page and follow the instructions to install a Manual update. Be sure you have Point of Sale selected as your product.

 This has also been associated with a change in the login proceedures for the Merchant Services Account.

 Intuit recently changed the login requirements for the Merchant Processing. Now, instead of a user name, it requires the login to be changed to an email address.

 For assistance with changing this, please contact IMS support at 800-558-9558.